Articles Written By: Paul

This author has written 11 articles

We found a place!

After a bunch of Googling and a few hours of physical searching and inspecting, we have found a place to live for the rest of…

Be the sidewalk.

In our travels so far, we have had several sessions of Thai massage. At our first stop, Code on Samui, we had a couple of pleasant…

At the Cinema in Singapore

Tonight, Paula and I saw David Fincher's "Gone Girl" on its opening night in Singapore. We both liked it a lot. This was my first…

Bad News/Good News

Scary/reassuring incident from our first flight, SEA-NRT. We were about half way through the flight - five hours in, five left - when a lanky…

Road Tunes

Part of our preparation for travel was to rip all of our CDs. We did a little shopping and settled on DMP3 Digital for this purpose.…

Big Picture Itinerary.

Here is our itinerary, as far as we know it. Almost all of it subject to radical change: September 5-15: Visiting friends around the US.…
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